


180 N Main St.
Iola, WI 54945

Invoice Number INV-0250
Invoice Date May 29, 2024
Due Date May 31, 2024
Total Due $385.00
Iola Historical Society

210 Depot Street
PO Box 412
Iola, WI 54945

General Web Hosting Terms between Hosting Dragon and Iola Historical Society (IHS): 2024
(by paying this invoice, IHS agrees to these general terms)
Active Term: June 1 2024 to June 1 2025
Renewals are guaranteed same rate unless significant hosting changes are requested or needed
Basic Service / Management
* most smaller changes and fixes will be included at no charge
* extended service may require extra billing
Any extra billing should be communicated/approved prior to performing any work.
* Email accounts using the domain are available at no charge, if desired
* unlimited bandwidth and storage
SSL Fees will be an extra cost each year (usually around $35 per year)
** SSL is now highly recommended and required by much of the larger search engines
Guaranteed competitive up-time and quick service of any hosting issues
General backups are included, More robust backup systems may incur extra billing, if requested
Finally: This agreement and these rates are based on the understanding that John or other persons will be responsible for most of the content migration, updates, and edits. Most of Hosting Dragon's responsibility should be things like updates, hosting problem fixes, site technical maintenance, SSL installs, initial consulting and instruction, etc.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
12 Monthly Hosting to June 1 2025

Hosting to June 2025

1 domain renewal

Domain Renewal

Sub Total $385.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $385.00