


180 N Main St.
Iola, WI 54945

Invoice Number INV-0202
Invoice Date June 22, 2021
Total Due $570.00
Owner LW

180 N Main St.
Iola, WI 54945

Lotus Healing Art New Website and Hosting.

** Pricing reflects most tweaks and design changes. If significant changes or additional work is needed, extra costs could apply. Hosting Dragon will communicate to the best of it's ability if any extra costs can be foreseen.

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
9 New WebSite Build

Build Development Area
Build New WebSite, similar to older, but with new tweaks.
Transfer Content, including WooCommerce
Go Live

1 Monthly Hosting Fee

"Wordpress Best" plus wooCommerce hosting
*Monthly Rate* w/ first fee up front.
* Option to pay 1 year in advance with 10% discount. (ask)

1 woocommerce payment

This lineitem is for potential costs due to payment gateway, should we opt for payment automation. Standard

Sub Total $570.00
Tax $0.00
Total Due $570.00