


180 N Main St.
Iola, WI 54945

Invoice Number INV-0213
Invoice Date December 10, 2021
Due Date December 10, 2021
Total Due $0.00

Onsite Service: Doctor reports slowed VNC
Hardware for new Router / Network Cables

Hrs/Qty Service Rate/PriceAdjustSub Total
1 travel
3 Hours (includes 1 hr travel)

Speed Tests on all workstations - all pretty consistent/good
Speed tests on wifi - very slow compared to physical
Manually create exception for VNC in ESET
(ESET on main machine no longer monitors the tcp packets for Doctors VNC)
Tried to get into Router (to figure out the wifi issue).. could not.
It was decided to replace old router, and add new ethernet cords.

1 Lynksys EA3650 AC1200 Dual Band Router

Router / Shipping / Tax

1 30' Ethernet Cable

Blk 30' Cat6 Ethernet Cable + Shipping

1 6' Ethernet Cable

Blk 6' Cat6 Ethernet Cable + Shipping

1 10' Ethernet Cable

Blk 10' Cat6 Ethernet Cable + Shipping

Sub Total $460.00
Tax $13.75
Paid -$473.75
Total Due $0.00