Order this Hosting Package at no initial charge to let Hosting Dragon know of your interest and to provide some basic information about yourself and the web hosting package / theme you are interested in.
A Typical base HD WordPress Best hosting package is $25 / mo.
Hosting Dragon (HD) is here to help. Having HD add services or apply customizations to your theme may require additional monthly charges and/or one-time setup fees.
After communicating with you, HD can let you know what, if any, those charges may be.
HD’s business model is based around the monthly subscription. So, we are not looking to knickel and dime our customers. “Big City Deals, Hometown Feels”, means we can compete with the larger companies as to pricing, yet you will always have a familiar person to contact when you need assistance. HD is looking forward to working with you!
Store Theme – WordPress Best
Order this Hosting Package at no initial charge to let Hosting Dragon know of your interest and to provide some basic information about yourself and the web hosting package / theme you are interested in.
A Typical base HD WordPress Best hosting package is $25 / mo.
Hosting Dragon (HD) is here to help. Having HD add services or apply customizations to your theme may require additional monthly charges and/or one-time setup fees.
After communicating with you, HD can let you know what, if any, those charges may be.
HD’s business model is based around the monthly subscription. So, we are not looking to knickel and dime our customers. “Big City Deals, Hometown Feels”, means we can compete with the larger companies as to pricing, yet you will always have a familiar person to contact when you need assistance. HD is looking forward to working with you!